21 May 2013

publication Hugh Maaskant. Architect of Progress

November 29, lecture by Michelle Provoost BOTTOM-UP IS NOT ENOUGH

Monumenten als aanjager van gebiedsontwikkeling

November 1st, Lecture by A. Pronkhorst for the Erfgoeddag Zuid-Holland 2013

Track Changes: Dutch presentation at X São Paulo Architecture Biennale, Brazil

curators with FAT Architecture and Owen Hatherley for the British Pavilion at the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale, 'A Clockwork Jerusalem', June 7 to November 23, 2014

June 21st, lecture by Wouter Vanstiphout at The 9th annual World in Denmark, Copenhagen

May 23th, lecture by Michelle Provoost: 'Suburbs of the future', Copenhagen, Denmark

May 22nd until June 13th: 'Design as Politics Exhibition @ BK City', exhibition at TU Delft, faculty of Architecture

May 21st: debat in Arminius: ’De Bouwbubbel van Rotterdam’

Interview with Wouter Vanstiphout: “Rotterdam moet stoppen met de bouwwoede en een nieuwe identiteit ontwikkelen”, in: Vers Beton

April 1st: end of the general management for Hofbogen BV by Crimson (de Hofbogen)

Strelka Talks: "From Welfare City to Neoliberal Utopia" by Michelle Provoost

Strelka Talks: "Damn the Masters’ Plan!" by Wouter Vanstiphout

March 25th - 10th May: The Banality of Good at the Royal Institute of British Architects

De Cultuurhistorische Analyse Stadion Feyenoord, ’De Kuip’

De Cultuurhistorische Analyse Maaskade 113-115

Film Job Dura Prijs 2012

Wouter Vanstiphout hoogleraar Ontwerp en Politiek

Michelle Provoost director International New Town Institute

general management for Hofbogen BV until april 1 (de Hofbogen)
