cultural & historical analysis "Onze Lieve Vrouw Ter Eem".
22 october: Wouter Vanstiphout hoogleraar Ontwerp en Politiek.
9 october / 7 february 2010: Exhibition 'Insiders - practices, customs, know-how'->], Bordeaux, France. [WiMBY!
7 october: Michelle Provoost in Conversation with Lars Lerup at the Berlage Institute.
'Rotterdam. Story of an Open City'
25 september / 10 january 2010: Exhibition '4th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam: Designing Coexistence', Rotterdam
16 june: lecture Michelle Provoost, New Towns from the Cold War Era to Neoliberal Reality, Berlage Institute, Rotterdam
17-27 may: New Town excursion to Caracas and Ciudad Guyana, Venezuela
5 march: Symposium Open City; Designing Coexistence, ETH Zurich
8-17 februari: New Town excursion to Beijing, China
director International New Town Institute
Subcurator Rotterdamse Architectuur Biennale 2009
general management for Hofbogen BV (de Hofbogen)