1 January 1998

crimson-log 1998-1999

publication Media & Architecture, publication following the Leon Kiers Master Class organised by the Berlage Instituut Amsterdam and the VPRO

article ‘Wilde Wonen’, research on the role of governemental planning in housing, commissioned by ERA Bouw and with the Architecten Cie., and article in publication with the same name, 010 Publishers, 1998

historical research on the industrial area Spaanse Polder for the project 'Haven- & Industriegebieden', comissioned by the Stichting Comité Wederopbouw Rotterdam

article 'De regie van de stad', Archis 1998 nr.3, 64-65

educational project aan de Academie for Visual Arts in Arnhem, department Monumental Arts

article 'Glad & schoon', in: Panorama Nederland, boekenweekmagazine 1998

project 'Rose', research project commissioned by dS+V, department Monuments, with Camp & Kamphuis

project 'Noordsingel', design for a new use of the jail at the Noordsingel in Rotterdam, commissioned by theWijk Ontwikkelings Maatschappij

competition design for Valkenburg Ondergronds, with Max 1

‘Toyota Home’, educational project at the Berlage Instituut Amsterdam, with Max 1 and NL-Architects

contribution to 'Symposium over de nuloptie', Vleeshal, Middelburg

article 'Achteruit is vooruit', in: catalogus Vleeshal Middelburg, 1998

travelling exhibition ’Big Soft Orange’ with Max 1, One Architecture and NL Architects in Yale School of Art and Architecture

lecture 'Big Soft Orange', at: Faculty of Architecture, Yale University, New Haven (conn.) / Storefront Gallery, New York (NY)

lecture 'Org Wars', Berlage Institute, Amsterdam

lecture 'Crimson Architectural Historians, Recent Work', Architectural Association, London, England

article 'De stedelijkheid van de snelwegzone', in: Werkdocument Muizengaatje/Poort van Noord i.o.v. Centrum Beeldende Kunst Rotterdam, 1998

article 'Groot en groots' in: 25 jaar Rotterdam-Maaskantstichting, Rotterdam 1998

article 'Rockbottom, OMA builds house in Bordeaux', in: Harvard Design Magazine, Summer 1998, no. 5

article 'Nieuwe stedelijkheid in de snelwegzone. Het bestuur van de dertiende provincie van Nederland', in: Socialisme en Democratie 1998

article 'Compacte stad. Openbaar vervoer en projectontwikkeling in Hong Kong', Archis 1998 nr.6, 28-3

project ‘Bouwen tegen de buurt’, plan for the second urban renewal of Rotterdam, commissioned by the Dienst Stedebouw + Volkshuisvesting (phase 2)
