1 January 1996

crimson-log 1996-1997

plan for the New Town Hoogvliet, commissioned by de dienst Stedebouw + Volkshuisvesting Rotterdam, with Fenna Haakma Wagenaar

‘Dipping Delft’, scenario for the visual arts in public spaces, commissioned by evenementenbureau Delft 750 jaar Cultuurstad

CD-ROM ‘De Wederopbouwarchitectuur van Rotterdam’ (Architecture of the reconstruction period in Rotterdam, commissioned by de dienst Stedebouw + Volkshuisvesting Rotterdam

atelier ‘City of Flows’ met Winka Dubbeldam, Academie voor Bouwkunst Rotterdam en Groningen

article 'Black & Whiteness', in: ANY Magazine, New York

lecture 'Black & Whiteness', Soho Guggenheim Museum, New York

several contributions to the ‘Dizionario dell'Architettura Contemporanea’, edited by Carlo Olmo, Turijn

publication ASFALT, automobiliteit in Rotterdam (Automobility in Rotterdam, 010 Publishers

article 'Moerasandijvie, boomkikkers en paddentunnel', Archis 1996 nr.7

workshop Coastwise Europe, in samenwerking met Matthijs Bouw

Member of the Welstandscommissie Rotterdam

article 'A Compulsion towards The Real', in: Wiederhall, no.19, 1996

article 'Oh Heavens, Philip Johnson and the Dawning of the New', in: Wiederhall, no.19, 1996
